International Symposium « Mathematics Assessment: devices, validityand teacher's practise » November 21 to 22, 2016 University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
Organized bythe School of Education, Education Authority of Créteil (ESPE - Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education), component of theUniversityParisEst Créteil(UPEC).
The issue of assessing students’ learning, particularly in mathematics, is a key concern today among education professionals, both in France and internationally. External assessment is developing with various goals.This seminar’s purpose is to address research questions as well as teacher education problems about assessment. Beyond plenary conferences, various study groups and workshops will bring together researchers from different fields (didactics, psychology, psycho-edumetry, etc.) and teacher educators taking part in initial and continuous training, at every level of education (primary and secondary school, university), which can lead to fruitful debates and exchange of views.
This seminar will review all these questions about students’ assessment, in its different forms, and with its consequences on teaching.These questions will be addressed in the study groups and workshops, divided into three thematic approaches: 1. The different systems for assessment, and what they can offer 2. The study of the contents and validity of assessment systems 3. The analysis of assessment practice in class.
With the support :
Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz (LDAR), Universités Paris Diderot, Cergy Pontoise, Paris-Est Créteil, d'Artois, de Rouen
Laboratoire Education et Apprentissages (EDA), Université Paris Descartes
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne Universités
Scientific leaders :
Brigitte Grugeon-Allys (LDAR, UPEC)
Eric Roditi (EDA, université Paris Descartes,)
Nathalie Sayac (LDAR, UPEC)
Scientific committee :
Michèle Artigue (LDAR, IREM, université Paris Diderot)
Lalina Coulange (LACES, université de Bordeaux)
Françoise Chenevotot (LDAR, université d’Artois)
Lucie DeBlois (université Laval, Québec)
Christophe Dierendonck (université de Luxembourg)
Jean-Luc Dorier (université de Genève, Suisse)
Annick Fagnant (université de Liège, Belgique)
Annie Feyfant (Ifé, ENS Lyon)
Rémi Goasdoué (EDA, université Paris Descartes)
Vanda Luengo (LIP6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Aline Robert (LDAR, Université de Cergy Pontoise)
Fabrice Vandebrouck (LDAR, IREM, université Paris Diderot)